Wang Yuwen Data Science and Analytics @ NUS Singapore, SGT

Build a LLM APP of PPT Generator

Apr 20, 2024


A Powerpoint presentation generation tool: Transforms academic papers into PPT presentations with just a few clicks. Upload your PDF, and the LLM app will utilize the RAG pipeline to automatically analyze the content, extracting key texts and diagrams for seamless integration into dynamic and customizable slides.

Powered by, the tool features an intuitive interface for real-time adjustments and diverse styling options. Ideal for students and researchers, it simplifies the presentation of complex data-driven content. Elevate your academic presentations with precision and ease.

Quick Start

Install the required python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Or install dependencies with poetry

# project using Python version 3.10.6 currently
# export dependencies to a requirements.txt file without hashes to decrease time to resolve dependencies
# poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt
poetry install

Getting the API keys

If you do not have an existing API key: Go to, > APIs Tab, click ‘New API key’

Save the API key and address to your enviornmental variables

export H2OGPTE_URL=  

To run the wave app, check that your present working directory is at /frontend_explore

wave run src/

For developers

before commit the python code, the developer can use make format command for the auto code formatting.